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Cortez polski malarz z Katowic naprawdę nazywa się Zbyszek Zając. Cortez to artystyczny pseudonim, którym podpisuje swoje prace. Tworzy klasyczne, realistyczne dzieła, impresjonizm, surrealizm i kubizm. Specjalizuje się w tworzeniu kopii dzieł mistrzów okresu: baroku, renesansu i secesji. Najczęściej jednak kopiuje przedstawicieli tzw. Młodej Polski. Tworzy dla przyjemności walki z wysokim kunsztem największych artystów. Ani praca do skopiowania, ani jej format nie stanowią przeszkody w wykonaniu zlecenia. Maluje techniką olejną na płótnie lub desce. Rysuje też z wielką łatwością. Najczęściej spod jego pędzla pochodzą kopie takich malarzy jak: Rembrandt, Kowalski, Brandt, Chełmoński, Matejko, Monet, Kossak, Repin, Shishkin, Beksiński, Szermentowski, Chardin, Vermeer, Ajwazowski i wielu innych wielkich malarzy.
wymiary: 24x38 cm
technika: olej na desce
Can a painting come to life? Can time stop and flow at the same time? Discover the mysterious 3D animation inspired by this extraordinary work - where the line between art and digital reality blurs in magical movement.
Do you dare to look beyond the framework of reality?
About the author
Cortez, a Polish painter from Katowice, born in 1963. Cortez is an artistic nickname with which he signs his works. He creates classic, realistic works, impressionism, surrealism and cubism.
He specializes in creating copies of works by masters of the period: Baroque, Renaissance and Art Nouveau. Most often, however, it copies the representatives of the so-called Young Poland. He creates for the pleasure of fighting with the high skill of the greatest artists. Neither the work to be copied nor its format constitute an obstacle in the execution of the order.
He paints in oil technique on canvas or wood. He also draws with great ease. Most often, copies of such painters as Rembrandt, Kowalski, Brandt, Chelmonski, Matejko, Monet, Kossak, Repin, Shishkin, Beksiński, Szermentowski, Chardin, Vermeer, Ajwazowski and many other great painters come from under his brush.
A word from the artist: When the brush glides over the canvas and slowly spreads the paint, I know that the result is an image that will please the eyes of those who will look at it. Artwork is signed. Protected with varnish. Colors of the painting may slightly differ from photos due to screen settings. Comes with a certificate of authenticity. Will be carefully packed in bubble wrap and cardboard. Shipping with tracking number.